Gifts of Fun and Comfort for Our Teenage Patients

We heart our friends and neighbors in Maine! Meet Noah, a senior at Brewer High School. You may remember Noah as the State of Maine’s 2014 champion child for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. He’s also the kid who organized Nickels with Noah, a change drive to help brighten the spirits of kids who were receiving care at Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center.
Today, Noah is still paying it forward. This kid has a heart of gold, and even when he’s not feeling well, he’s thinking of ways to make a hospital stay a little warmer and brighter for teenagers who are spending time on the eighth floor.
With the help of his family and friends, Noah put together more than 60 care packages for teenagers, and our child life specialists will distribute them in the coming weeks and months. The hope is that these care packages will spread a little cheer at a time that can be scary and unnerving for a teenager. Noah also hopes that our patients know they have a friend in him – a friend who knows what it’s like to spend hours, days, and a few weeks in the hospital.
Thank you, Noah! We are so grateful for your kindness and support.