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Dine For a Cause

Our friends from Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center’s Auxiliary are hosting their first fundraiser of the year. We hope you’ll join them on Tuesday, February 7 at Mason’s Brewing Company from 5 pm to close. Mason’s is generously donating a portion of the evening’s sales to help the Auxiliary fulfill their pledge toward the purchase of a new neonatal transport ambulance.

Each year there are about 120 babies who are born at rural hospitals throughout Maine that need to be transferred to Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center for more specialized care. Often, the safest way to transfer these tiny patients is by ambulance, but because the babies are so critically ill, the Medical Center needs a specially designed ambulance. The new ambulance will replace Miracle One which was purchased in 2007 using community funds.

We hope to see you on February 7 at Mason’s for this fun evening to help the Medical Center’s tiniest patients. And, if you aren’t able to make the event, but you’d like to make a donation to support the ambulance project, please visit EMMC’s website (choose Neonatal Intensive Care Unit from the drop down) or call Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center Foundation at 207.973.5055.